As much Amos says that the Day of the Lord is DARNESS (Amos 5: 18-27) so Book of Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20, and Revelation 6:12 [as well as apocriphal] instruct exactly the appropate time. Is not only the precessional zodiac of 25920 years or multiple (presumably 6.6 mil) Those are karmic long periods. But is also about a certain series of Blood-Moon eclypses! The instructions are exact.
The last "biblical tetrad" occured 2015-2019. QED. And the next will be 2582+ AD. Now go back to LHC-CERN as the key to Abyss as required by Apollion/Abbadon. If you don’t do the work today [after the tetrad], you missed the opportunity for 500 years. Yet is true, the next tetrad is inside the more accurate entering in Aquarius (the karmic Saturn-return see Virgil)
And of course the idea that nobody can know the times of coming is bullshit in this perspective. Another manipulation. We are here, 2020 just at the appropiate time to insert Charagma.

Is easy to see that Rev-Jesus offer to each church in Rev 2 some promise and a winner (hence CONTEST) is set. > 2:26 : "To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations."
R 2:27 > “that one ‘will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery” (check that IRON ROD in Daniel + Psalms). And remember that "nations" = GOY... they will be dashed to pieces, not jews.(see Rev 2:9 +3:9.. whatever “true jews” mean)