The occult comandments have many sources. Rev 2, the letters to 7 churches (gnostic churches) set practically a contest. From the commandments of Rev 1-3 we get the full map of the contemporary conspiracy. .... Gnostics> Paulicians > Bogomils > Cathars> Clairvaux > Templars > Rosicrucians > Masons.
We can follow the map of gnostics and point pretty-much the later masonic centers.
From SW Turkey (where Satan has his throne/Rev. 2:13) to masonic England the way of conspiracy is>> Paulicians> Bogomils> Cathars> [Templars > Roscrucians> Masos...] etc. Western alchemy included.

Rev 2:13 > "I know where you live--where Satan has his throne." Check also 2 Cor 11:14 > “for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” That is weird, coming from one which was blinded by light on the way to Damascus....

Nehushtan (copper-coil/snake on a cross =Tesla coil or distillation?) > Numbers 21:4–9 + 2 Kings 18:4 shall be the "healing" from that deadly snake-bite. Another dark-alchemy symbol (Paracelsus )

The old symbol of Asklepius (rel to Nehustan) is on the WHO logo. With details from Revelation + masons. Asklepios/Moses rod with deadly snake-bite. The 2 olive-brances with power to bring plagues from Rev 11. The 33 masonic sectors on te stereographic world-map. That map was called by Vitrusvius> Arachne (the web)

The jump from Asklepios and Nehushtan to Pfizer + Uğur_Şahin was ensured by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation money, and Event 201.