I want to analyse the aspect of CHI-XI-STIGMA = XΞS as it is inside Rev 13:16, correlated a bit with other principes.It seems that Eurasia had somehow simiar meanings to some signs. For example Qi in Chinese is a composed letter as from XΞ. Please correlate Qi and XΞ:
氣 Chinese, 気 Japanese -- versus -- XΞ. The latter is in greek and corresponds CHI-XI. The oriental is hierarchic-writing only. Now in original phoenician and linear, those corresponds to qui-ntessentia (a force) + the heavenly pilars. It appears there are 2 pillars separated by a smaller line. Those are the know in Europe as pillars of the sky...
Chi or quintessentia, the fifth element and the higest (see aether), appear in Plato/Aristotle writings 2350 years ago. So the oriental and mediterannean ensemble is the same basically. 2 heavenly pillars (separated by a “wall”) + fundamental energy. The heavy wandering and exchanges in Eurasia over millenia could explain this correspondence of signs.

In alchemy that X or Chi-Rho Ж may symbolise silver or projection (as in dark-chamber). Remember now te Allseeing Eye present in the Apocalypse 14: theiō enōpion. (check Myths and Meanings). Now the 2 pillars of Heaven are “2 lampstands”/Rev 11 or Achim-Boaz... In Pythagora we have also 2 entities: Chton-Antichton separated by “Zeus firewall”. Hence the 2 lines of Xi separated by a smaller in ALL versions/Eurasia. Later in greek Ξ had also the meaning of stylus the sharp needle to scratch the vax-tables. So that's the most important symbol, it seems... The energy-flow is here.
Now adding the S = stigma we have the “snake-byte”. XΞS as in Rev 13:16.

X = chi = lifeforce in alchemy, which was at that time the "science-language"
Ξ = xi = stylus = a scratch-needle for vax-tablets (from phoenician - heavens pillar)
S = stigma = a branding in flesh (like cow-branding) "stigmated" we say today.
The mark on forehead and right is present aslo in Exodus at the same numbers: Exo 13:16 but seems good to Moses! That's weird. The explanation might be in Numbers 21:4–9 + 2 Kings 18:4 the Nehushtan a cross with a copper-serpent (Tesla coil?). This was the healing of the deadly snake-bite of the "fiery serpents", which God had sent to punish israelites for speaking against him and Moses (Numbers 21:4–9). And Nehushtan was borrowed heavly in Alchemy.
This symbol, the Nehushtan, is similar to the ancient Greek Rod of Asklepios and is frequently cited as an instance of the same archetype. There we are >>> the LOGOTYPE of WHO.
Finally check dextrogyre and chiralty against right-had relative to forehead...
Check also the pineal target /cribriform platte of both lobotomy and RT-PCR test...
